A relationship with an OEM provider is truly strategic in nature. First and foremost, the capabilities and longevity of the OEM from a business perspective are most important. The actual product or service they provide is second in priority. If these priorities are reversed, it can be dangerous. By placing top priority on the product and forming a relationship with a business organization that is lackluster, you may encounter difficulty in the future. If they falter, then it may become difficult to have the product enhanced to meet future requirements, or in the worst case, product may become NLA (no longer available).
Your relationship with an OEM is optimal when they anticipate your needs and deliver accordingly. They will do this by taking the time to understand your market. In this way, they will be able to act as a catalyst and explain how IVR can be leveraged in ways that are specific to your organization and its product strategy. The OEM must be "a good listener", after all you know your industry and market best.